
Showing posts from September, 2017


After 15 years of being a classroom teacher, this is the first year that I do not have my own classroom. My teaching is focused on professional development endeavors.  And, as meaningful as my work is-nothing compares to having a class full of kids to work with every day. Luckily, I frequently get to go to other teachers' classes and work with the kids in different ways.  Recently, an ELL science teacher invited me to go on a field trip with his class to the Bishop Museum Planetarium to view a presentation on Hawaiian wayfinders, who learned to read the wind and the stars to navigate throughout the Pacific.  I learned that the term wayfinding is different from navigating because when you wayfind, you adapt and read your surroundings, you find your way as you go and you trust both your intuition and your knowledge.   This idea of wayfinding really resonated with me and made me think about what we are doing with the Teacher Leadership Cadre-we are finding o...