School Year 17-18 Has Begun!

The first TLC workshop is officially in the books and it was a success! We collected the faculty's preferences for workshop topics for the year through a Google Survey. The TLC provided five choices: Project Based Learning (continuing from last year) Communication Skills (inspired by students' perceived need) Content Area Literacy Differentiation Strategies Instilling Grit and Growth Mindset The TLC came to these choices by simply throwing out ideas on what we thought would have a large impact on student achievement-we came up with 11 choices, which was clearly too much. Then, the TLC narrowed it down by voting for our top five, which was rolled out to the faculty. It was important for us to provide the faculty with choice, but not just an open ended vote. We wanted to it to be concrete and clear, so there would be a majority, but many voices of our faculty would feel they were heard. The survey was simple-teachers voted for their first and seco...