Facing Fears

We began our Summer Leadership Retreat at the Coral Crater Adventure Tower and literally faced down our fears and took great leaps of faith. The Tower is an intimidating 65 ft high structure with 18 obstacles to overcome. Although we were harnessed in, we needed to move the harness ourselves and unhook and rehook the gear often. We crossed various unstable, uneven bridges, swung on ropes like Tarzan, and jumped across platforms. It was terrifying. But, it was also amazing to share in that fear and support each other through it. Everyone needed encouragement and everyone stepped up to provide it. There were moments when we were paralyzed with fear, afraid to go on, unsure that the risk would pay off and in those moments, our teammates supported us. Sometimes the support was physical, offering a hand or pulling each other up on a platform. But more often, it was the words: the reminder that we were safe, the steadfast belief that we could d...